The Recite

Islam is the best way for success

dear islamic brothers! syyiduna isma'eel (alaihi salam)is the chosen an beloved Prrophet of Allah (azwajal) and has been bestowed with special rewards and favours, that is why,he (alaihi salam) always remained steadfast in the face of Divine trials and tribulations with the blessing of Allah (azwajal) let's listen to one of the most famous parable of Sayyiduna isma'eel  (alaihi salam) followed by Madani pearls obtained from it.
The same dream during three nights 
on the eighth night of Zul-Hajj, Sayyiduna Ibraheem  (alaihi salam) dreamt that someone said, Indeed Allah (azwajal) has commanded you to sacrifice your son.' From dawn to dusk , he  (alaihi salam)continued contemplating whether the dream was from Allah (azwajal) or from satan.This is the reason why the eighth of Zul-Hajj was named' YOM U TARVIA i.e. the day of contemplation. On the ninth night of Zul-Hajj, he  (alaihi salam)had the same dream and was convinced that the dream was from Allah (azwajal), which is why the ninth of Zul-Hajj is referred to as YOM-E-ARAFA i.e.the day of recognition. After he  (alaihi salam) had the same dream once again on the tenth of Zul-Hajj he  (alaihi salam)made a firm intention of sacrificing his son, it is for this reason the tenth of Zul-Hajj is called YOM U NAHAR i.e. the day of sacrifice.(Tafseer-e-Kabeer,vol,9,pp,346)

Unique way of complying with Divine commandment

Dear Islamic brothers! The status and rank of the blessed Prophets (alaihimusalam) are exalted and higher than the rest of creation, therefore the hardships they experienced are also greater but look at the patience and steadfastness of these blessed personalitied that they not only bear the hardships gracefully but also attain higher status in the blessed court of Allah (azwajal) they also prepare thieir family members for the trials to come in the future; these are the great sacrifices which become lessons for the people of the world. As the dreams of the blessed Prophets (alaihimusalam) are revelations to them.
(Al-Mustadrak,vol,3pp,214,Tafseer Surah As-saffaat,Hadees No 3665

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